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Bf 109G-2 thru G-14 Cockpit Placards and Stencils Set

BarracudaCals 1/32 Bf 109G-2 thru G-14 Cockpit Placards and Stencils Set First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2021 Manufacturer BarracudaCals
Subject Bf 109G-2 thru G-14 Cockpit Placards and Stencils Set Scale 1/32
Set Number 32365 Pros One set works with many kits
Cons Nothing noted Skill Level Basic
MSRP (USD) $8.95

First Look

BarracudaCals has released a handy cockpit detail set for the Bf 109G series in 1/32 scale. This set consists of two sheets of decals providing the same dials and placards, but in different styles plus a small additional sheet containing additional placards. The set also includes a resin instrument panel to replace your kit's part and provide nice relief detail for additional eye-catching details.

Bf 109G-2 thru G-14 Cockpit Placards and Stencils Set

The sheets are printed by Cartograf and are very sharp as well as in-register. According to the front cover, this set will work with your Revell 1/32 Bf 109G-6 and G-10 kits, as well as any 1/32 Bf 109G-2 thru G-14 from Hasegawa or Trumpeter.

My sincere thanks to BarracudaCals Decals for this review sample!