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Begemot 1/48 Kamov Ka-50/52 Hokum Family Decal First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review December 2010 Manufacturer Begemot
Subject Kamov Ka-50/52 Hokum Family Scale 1/48
Set Number 48018 Pros Markings for 17 different Ka-50/52 schemes
Cons Nothing noted Skill Level Novice
MSRP (USD) $20.95

First Look

Begemot Decals is an interesting decal company from Rostov-on-Don, Russia that offers a nice array of markings for Russian-built aircraft. In this release, they've provided markings for 17 different Ka-50/52 Alligator (Hokum) airframes. These include:

Ka-50 Ka-50

  1. Ka-50, Bort 018, Kamov OKB, 1992
  2. Ka-50, Bort 018, Kamov OKB, 1995
  3. Ka-50Sh, Bort 018, Kamov OKB, 1997
  4. Ka-50, Bort 20, 344th Flt Training Center, Torzhok AB, 1994
  5. Ka-50Sh, Bort 018, Kamov OKB, 1999
  6. Ka-50Sh, Bort 018, Kamov OKB, 2005
  7. Ka-50, Bort 22, 344th Flt Training Center, Torzhok AB, 1996
  8. Ka-50, Bort 020, Kamov OKB, 1993
  9. Ka-50, Bort 024, Kamov OKB, 1993
  10. Ka-50, Bort 015, Kamov OKB, 2000
  11. Ka-50, Bort 25, 344th Flt Training Center, Torzhok AB, 2004
  12. Ka-50, Bort 26, 344th Flt Training Center, Zhukovskiy AB, 2007
  13. Ka-50, Bort 27, 344th Flt Training Center, Kubinka AB, 2010
  14. Ka-52, Bort 061, Kamov OKB, 1996
  15. Ka-52, Bort 061, Kamov OKB, 2001
  16. Ka-52, Bort 061, Kamov OKB, 2004
  17. Ka-52, Bort 061, Kamov OKB, 2007

With each aircraft profile, there is a brief summary about the aircraft presented. The decal printing is perfectly in register. The instructions are printed in a five-page booklet that provide decal placement for each aircraft type. These will provide colors and patterns needed to replicate some of these really interesting color schemes. If you have the Italeri/Revell 1/48 Ka-50 kit, this set will give you some outstanding options. If you don't have the kits, go get some!

For more information about this set and the other releases from Begemot Decals, visit their website at

My sincere thanks to Begemot Decals for this review sample!