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Luftwaffe Ground Attackers Vol.1

Exito Decals 1/48 Luftwaffe Ground Attackers Vol.1 Decal First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review May 2019 Manufacturer Exito Decals
Subject Luftwaffe Ground Attackers Vol.1 Scale 1/48
Set Number 48004 Pros Excellent instructions!
Cons Nothing noted Skill Level Basic
MSRP (USD) $14.38

First Look

Exito Hobbies is an online hobby store based in Poland that produces their own line of decals. Here is one of their latest releases, covering three Luftwaffe ground attack aircraft. The decals are printed by Cartograf, and these instructions are outstanding. Each subject is covered on two-sides of a heavy stock page with beautiful color profiles providing three full views plus scrap views of the undersides showing the camouflage patterns as well as the decal placements. A period photo is also included on each page for documentation.

Luftwaffe Ground Attackers Vol.1Luftwaffe Ground Attackers Vol.1

The subjects include:

  • Ju 87D-3, W.Nr.100082, 5./StG.2, T6+HN, Archtirskaya, USSR, 1942
  • Hs 129B-2, W.Nr.0140405, 4.(Pz)/SchG.1, USSR, 1943
  • Fw 190F-8, Kommandeur II./SG 3, Riga-Spilve, Latvia, 1944

The set provides national markings and distinctive markings for each aircraft. What isn't on the sheet are airframe stencils or walkways which are available elsewhere in the aftermarket or in most kits.

The decals are printed by Cartograf and everything is sharp and in-register. They also provide complete swastikas for customers outside of the EU and partials for the rest of them.

These instructions are extremely well done and even include color callouts for the camouflage with GSI (Gunze) and AK Interactive color equivalents. I'd put these color profiles in a safe place once you've finished with the decals, as they are worth keeping!

My sincere thanks to Exito for this review sample!