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17-pdr Gun Ammo

AFV Club 1/35 17-pdr Gun Ammo First Look

By Cookie Sewell

Date of Review September 2008 Manufacturer AFV Club
Subject 17-pdr Gun Ammo Scale 1/35
Kit Number 35138 Primary Media 40 parts (20 turned brass projectiles and cases, 20 etched brass bases)
Pros Great way to dress up a Sherman Firefly or M10 Achilles Cons Not cheap
Skill Level Basic MSRP (USD) $17.98

First Look

AFV Club has basically cornered the market on turned brass ammunition sets, with their sets for 8.8 cm and 10.5 cm German weapons acknowledged as some of the best around. Now they have turned their sights (no pun intended!) on British pattern vehicles with these two new sets. Each one provides 16 rounds of complete ammunition and four empty casings in each package.

Set 138 covers the 17-pdr gun and while presumably for the AFV Club M10 Achilles with 17-pdr gun will complement any other 17-pdr vehicle like the DML or Tasca Sherman Fireflies. It provides four rounds each of the following: armor-piercing capped shot (APC); armor-piercing capped ballistic core (APCBC); armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS); and High-Explosive -Tracer Mk 1 (HE-T). The separate etched brass bases provide five bases for each type, so one each can be considered as “fired” when assembled.

Overall these are very nice sets and will complement vehicles with those guns.