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USN LCAC Hovercraft

Gallery Models 1/350 USN LCAC Hovercraft First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review February 2012 Manufacturer Gallery Models
Subject USN LCAC Hovercraft Scale 1/350
Kit Number 64005 Media Styrene
Pros Provides nice LCAC models for 1/350 amphib dioramas and vignettes Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Basic MSRP (USD) $11.99

First Look

Gallery Models is back with another an excerpt out of their outstanding LHD kit series. This set contains a pair of LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushioned) used to carry combat vehicles, troops and supplies from the amphibious assault (LHA/LHD) ships to shore keeping the ships themselves safely outside of enemy defenses. These LCACs were part of the USS Wasp and USS Iwo Jima kits released by Gallery Models (as well as Revell Germany and Trumpeter) and are now available seperately for those 1/350 modelers that want these craft for their own projects.

USN LCAC Hovercraft

The set is molded in gray styrene and presented on six parts trees (duplicate trees not shown) and there are three parts trees per LCAC. A set of markings is also provided for the two LCACs to provide the accurate look of these unique 'aircraft'.

If you've been looking for the LCAC in 1/350 scale and didn't want the expense of the complete LHD kit or the hassle of resin, your wait is over.

My sincere thanks to Gallery Models for this review sample!