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A-4E/F Skyhawk Cockpit/Intake Set

KMC 1/48 A-4E/F Skyhawk Cockpit/Intake Set First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review 1998 Manufacturer KMC
Subject A-4E/F Skyhawk Cockpit/Intake Set Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48-4027 Primary Media Resin
Pros Beautifully cast details for the Monogram kit Cons Out of Production
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) Out of Production

First Look

The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk is a very popular modeling subject. At the peak of its career, it was serving in the US Navy and US Marine Corps when colorful squadron markings were commonplace. Nearing the end of its operational life, the A-4F was adorned with even more unusual camouflage schemes while serving as an adversary aircraft.

A-4E/F Skyhawk Cockpit/Intake Set

The KMC Skyhawk Update Set is designed for installation in the Monogram A-4E/F kit, which has been out of production for a few years. Hopefully this signals a future re-release of the ‘Scooter’ by the kind folks at Revell-Monogram. Straight out of the box, the Monogram A-4E/F was the best Skyhawk kit available in 1/48. With the addition of this Kendall set, your Monogram ‘Scooter’ will be a show-stopper.

This Update Set contains a new cockpit tub, a nicely detailed ejection seat, control stick, five new weapons pylons (four wing and one centerline), 16 sets of anti-sway braces, four rocket pods, three new wheels, and a new tail cap to represent a late-model A-4F. What is most intriguing about this set are two new intakes and an engine face that is designed to install in the Monogram fuselage. For the first time, you’ll be able to peer down the intakes and not see blank plastic!

Whether you have a Skyhawk or two on your shelf or not, I recommend grabbing a few of these sets before KMC takes them out of production. If Revell-Monogram does not have plans to re-release their Skyhawk in the foreseeable future, take heart! Hobbycraft has an A-4B, A-4C and A-4E scheduled for 1999 release.