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Hay Bales

JTT 1/48 Hay Bales Set First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Set First Look October 2015 Manufacturer JTT
Subject Hay Bales Scale 1/48
Kit Number 95583 Primary Media -
Pros Realistic square and round bales Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Basic MSRP (USD) $9.50

First Look

When you're developing a display base for a model or even a more intricate diorama or vignette scene, you usually venture into the model railroad side of the hobby shop to get the right mixings of grass, weeds, etc., for your ground cover. Have you looked beyond that section for other interesting background details?

If you're into model railroading as well, you know that O scale is equivalent to 1/48 scale (with G scale roughly 1/22-1/35 scale), so you can make use of some of the nice pre-fabricated details from JTT Scenery Products. In this set, we have something I see outside quite frequently here in northeast Indiana - round and 'square' bales. I know they're not square, but that's how they are referenced. This set has five round bales (yes, they are huge in real life too) as well as 16 'square' bales. In addition to being stacked for storage to feed the various farm/ranch critters, you also see these stacked for improvised barricades and just about any other purpose you could imagine.

This is a handy item to add realism into the background of your next diorama or vignette. They're available at all good hobby stores.

My sincere thanks to MRC for this review sample!