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Luftwaffe Oil Cart

Signifer 1/32 Luftwaffe Oil Cart First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review December 2008 Manufacturer Signifer
Subject Luftwaffe Oil Cart Scale 1/32
Kit Number 32002 Primary Media Resin
Pros Beautifully detailed, great addition to your Luftwaffe vignette Cons
Skill Level Experienced MSRP (Euro) €17.56 (about $23.50 USD)

First Look

Luftwaffe Oil Cart
Luftwaffe Oil Cart

Signifer produces this really interesting little kit - it is a typical airfield oil cart for your Luftwaffe vignette during World War II. Whether fighter or bomber, radial engines required lots of oil, more so than their liquid-cooled cousins, as radial engines normally seep oil as part of the lubrication process. If you did a preflight on a radial-engined aircraft and you didn't see an oil puddle under the engine, you were out of oil! These carts were essential tools to keep these engines in top combat-ready condition.

This kit cast in resin and replicates the oil cart very nicely. The resin tank, trailer frame, and the various details are all finely cast. The green parts at the top of the image are all rubber and are sections of hose that you can assemble with the same cyano you use to assemble the trailer. Assemble the segments, attach one end to the tank valve and the other to the resin filler, then wrap the hose around the trailer or out under your aircraft, whatever story you wish to tell with your cart.

The details are all there and only need a coat of paint and some effective weathering to make this an eye-catching addition next to your 1/32 Bf 110 (yes, liquid-cooled engines did need oil too), Bf 109, Fw 190, or other favorite subject.

My most sincere thanks to Signifer for the review sample!