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MD3 Aircraft Generator Kit 1/32 MD3 Aircraft Generator Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review May 2018 Manufacturer
Subject MD3 Aircraft Generator Scale 1/32
Kit Number 186632 Primary Media Resin
Pros Easy build, nice details Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Experienced MSRP (Euro) 20.00€

First Look is back with another new kit, this time the MD3 Aircraft Generator in 1/32 scale. This kit is molded in tan resin and presented in 21 parts, plus a set of scale cables and a sheet of decals. This kit represents a standard flight line generator which provided 28 volts DC and 115/220 volts AC (3-phase 400 Hz) to aircraft for maintenance and preflight without having to run the aircraft's engine(s). These MD3 units were in primary use in the 1960s and 1970s, but many stayed in service well beyond that point. The MD3 was not only used by the US, but also allied nations as well.

MD3 Aircraft Generator

This is a simple resin kit which will go together rather quickly, but will provide a missing element on your scale flightline for powering up your F-86, Century Series and even the Phantom. This kit is also available in 1/48 and 1/72 scales, check their website for more information.

Now that has produced the MD3 in all three scales, perhaps they'll consider producing the MA-1A Start Cart as well. While the MD3 provided electrical power for aircraft like the F-100 Super Sabre, the MA-1A provided high-pressure air to spin up the engine to sufficient RPM for start. You can see the MD3 and MA-1A at work starting the F-100 below (the MD3 is diesel-powered while the MA-1A is a gas turbine).

You can find out more about this kit and their other upcoming offerings here:

My sincere thanks to for this review sample!