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Kubelwagen and Schwimmwagen

Kubelwagen and Schwimmwagen Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review October 2016 Title Kubelwagen and Schwimmwagen
Author David Doyle Publisher Ampersand Publishing
Published 2016 ISBN 978-1-944367-03-9
Format 136 pages, softbound MSRP (USD) $22.95

First Look

Here's the latest monograph from Ampersand Group, this time looking at the iconic combat duo from Doctor Ferdinand Porsche - the Kubelwagen and the Schwimmwagen. Produced by the thousands by Volkswagen, these lightweight, air-cooled, easy-to-maintain utility vehicles served on all fronts during World War 2.

This title starts off with a visual history and detailed examination of the Kubelwagen Type 82. The photography in this section is a combination of historical black and white images as well as nice color photos of various restored examples of the Kubel. These photos provide a good look at the vehicles as they appeared in different theaters and during different seasons.

Coverage continues with the Schwimmwagen, but what you may not know is that there was a longer wheel-based version known as the Type 128 before production settled on the shorter Type 166. Once again, photo coverage is a nice combination of period black and white as well as contemporary color photos of nicely restored examples.

If you're planning to model one of these vehicles in the near future or you keep a handy reference library, this title has the visual information you will need. Pity that coverage didn't extend into the Type 181 which is the designator for the 'modern' Kubelwagen - the Volkswagen Thing. This title is one to keep!

My sincere thanks to Ampersand Group for this review sample!