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Transporter Volume One

Transporter Volume One Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review March 2007 Title Transporter Volume One
Author Martin Pegg Publisher Classic Publications
Published 2006 ISBN 1-903223-63-6
Format 96 pages, softbound MSRP (USD) $29.95


Classic Publications continues to publish some interesting titles documenting different aspects of combat operations during World War II. In this title, the author covers a much-overlooked topic - combat airlift during 1939-1943. How do you get men and supplies around to so many different simultaneous theaters of operations as Germany faced in World War II? This title looks into the mission, experiences, and equipment used to get men and supplies where convoys, rail, and road travel are near impossible.

As you might expect, the backbone of German airlift was the Junkers Ju 52, and it was indeed used extensively across all of the theaters. But the Ju 52 started to wear out under the continuous usage and their servicability/availability was declining as the Germans opened their Russian campaign.

The author looks at the employment (or attempted use) of aircraft like the Ju 86, Ju 290, Bv 222, Me 321, Me 323, Fw 200, and even the He 177.

This title has a very nice array of black & white as well as some color (!) photos of the men and machines from thise period of Luftwaffe airlift operations. In addition, the title has a nice array of color profiles of many of the aircraft discussed in depth.

This title will be of interest to the aviation historian as an overview/introduction to Luftwaffe combat airlift as well as to the modeler for a look at these aircraft in color and in action. Definitely recommended!