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Sukhoi Su-25

Sukhoi Su-25 Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review June 2005 Title Sukhoi Su-25 (Frogfoot)
Author Yefim Gordon Publisher Polygon-Press Ltd.
Published 2003 ISBN 1-932525-03-3
Format 80 pages, hardbound MSRP (USD) $17.95


I remember seeing my first Polygon publication years ago which was a softcover monograph of the Su-27 Flanker. The title had some black & white photos and lots of line drawings, with the narrative in Russian. I recently spotted this title on Amazon and bought it out of curiosity. After looking it over, I've since purchased several other titles in the series.

This series is a very nice collection of color photography (no black & whites) of operational aircraft in a variety of configurations. The title is published in English only. In the Su-25 title, there is a brief run-down on the aircraft, with the bulk of the details left as captions to some of the nicest Su-25 photography I've seen in print. The photography includes a nice walk around of the aircraft. The coverage includes:

  • Su-25 - A Brief History
  • Photo Gallery
  • Su-25 Colour Profiles
  • Su-25TK Line Drawings

In the rear of the title, there are four color profiles of typical operational Su-25 single seaters, two of the Su-25UB trainers, and two of the Su-25T aircraft which were two-seaters that were turned into single seat aircraft using the space in what used to be the rear cockpit for more avionics.The last page has a three-view drawing of this interesting Su-25T variant.

The Soviet/Russian aviation historian and modeler alike will want to add this to their reference libraries - especially considering the very reasonable retail price! The photography and printing quality is very well done. This title is highly recommended!